Water is one of the most important natural resources on Earth, and it’s becoming increasingly scarce. In order to conserve this valuable resource, we all need to do our part by conserving water and one of the easiest and most effective ways to do that begins right at home. Below we will look at a number of different ways to start conserving water in your home.

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Take shorter showers
One of the biggest water wasters in most homes is the shower. And while we all enjoy a long relaxing shower after a hard day’s work, the truth is that they use a lot of water. The average shower uses between 5 and 15 gallons of water, so by cutting your shower time down by even just a couple of minutes, you can make a big difference.
Install water-saving showerheads
If you’re not quite ready to start cutting down your showers, then another great way to conserve water is to install a water-saving showerhead. These types of showerheads typically use about 2 gallons of water per minute as opposed to the standard 5-15 gallons, so you can save a lot of water without making any major changes to your daily routine.
Turn the water off when brushing your teeth
While this may seem like an obvious and easy way to conserve water, many people don’t even think about the fact that they’re leaving the water running while brushing their teeth. Just by turning the water off while you brush your teeth, you can save up to 4 gallons of water per day.
Fix any leaks
Leaks can be a major problem when it comes to conserving water. A single leaky faucet can waste up to 3,000 gallons of water per year, so it’s important to fix any leaks as soon as you notice them.
Don’t let the water run
Another water-wasting habit that many people have is letting the water run while they’re doing things like washing their hands or dishes. If you’re just going to be using the water for a minute or two, then there’s no need to let it run the entire time.
Collect rainwater
One of the best ways to conserve water is to collect rainwater and use it for things like watering your plants or washing your car. This is a great way to save water because you’re not using any municipal water that could be used for other purposes.
Install a low-flush toilet
If your home is in need of a new toilet, then you may want to consider installing a low-flush toilet. These toilets use about 1.6 gallons of water per flush as opposed to the standard 3-5 gallons, so you can save a lot of water over time.
Scrape the dishes
It’s tempting to want to pre-rinse the dishes before putting them in the dishwasher but it’s really not necessary. Just by scraping off the food, you can save up to 20 gallons of water per load.
Use the light cycle
Industry professionals suggest opting for the light cycle when running one’s dishwasher. Most times it is just as effective as the regular wash option and it uses, on average, 55% less water! This can really add up over time and make a big impact on the amount of water used in your home.
Buy Energy-Star appliances
When it’s time to replace an old appliance, look for the Energy Star label. These appliances are required to meet strict energy efficiency guidelines set by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency and the Department of Energy, so you can be sure that they’re using less water and energy than standard models
Opt for larger loads of laundry
If you have a smaller load of laundry, it may be tempting to just wash that. But, you can actually save water by waiting until you have a full load. Most washing machines use about 40 gallons of water per load, so by doing larger loads, you’re using less water overall.
Invest in a smart irrigation system
As a homeowner, our lawns and gardens are important to us. But, the truth is that they can use a lot of water. A standard sprinkler system can use up to 1,000 gallons of water per hour, so if you’re not careful, you can quickly use a lot of water.
A smart irrigation system is a great way to conserve water because it uses sensors to detect moisture levels in the soil and only waters the lawn when it needs it. This can save you a lot of water, money, and time.
It is no secret that now more than ever, we need to start taking a serious look at our impact on the environment. Global warming, climate change, and the depletion of natural resources are all major concerns that need to be addressed. And one of the best ways to do our part is to focus on water conservation. Water is essential for life, but it’s also a limited resource. Only 3% of all the water on Earth is freshwater, and of that, only 1% is readily available for human use. With these issues in mind, it is easy to see why making smart decisions regarding water consumption is the responsibility of every human, and the best way to make a change starts right at home.