Minimalism is a term that might send shivers into the spines of people, but it doesn’t have to be as cold as you’re imagining. Contrary to popular belief, “minimalism” doesn’t mean a stark clinical white room with nothing in it.
Minimalism designs can be warm and not quite so empty as you often see on Instagram or Pinterest. But there are a lot of benefits to minimalism. Less clutter, a lack of detail making your room look bigger. Plus, once you nail the basics, it doesn’t take too much thought. It’s the interior equivalent of the turtleneck and jeans every day to keep your mind free. You don’t have to sacrifice comfort for minimalism. Simply follow these rules to get it right. Read on to find out what the rules of minimalism are and what the myths are.

Rules of Minimalism
Choose your colors wisely
The typical idea of an entirely white minimalist room isn’t true at all. You can inject as much color as you want. The minimalist look favors neutrals so as not to look too out there. However, it also favors high contrast, so this means you can add bold black and deep browns and any muted color as an accent wall. Accent wallpaper might look a bit too busy for minimalism, so, instead, aim for a light pattern or a solid wall of color.
And if you have the same aversion to stark white that most renters do, you can instead go for an off-white option, like eggshell or stone to warm the place up a bit. There are also a lot of places where you can inject bold colors like in your furniture and décor, which favors the high contrast look, like in your sofa or curtains.
Be careful what storage you buy
Storage is perhaps the biggest part of minimalism. For a very luxurious and expensive-looking style, you’re not allowed to have too much stuff. But that material stuff has to go somewhere, which means you’re going to need good storage.
Usually, the rule when it comes to buying furniture is to mix display and closed storage options, but when it comes to minimalism, you don’t want too much on display. You’re going to have to curate what you show off and what you don’t. So, avoid glass doors and display cabinets and instead go for closed doors where you can hide everything you need but don’t want to display.
You can find bedroom sets deals here that will give you a lot of storage options that suit your minimalism or maximalism needs and everything in between.
Think about nature
A good way to make the room feel a lot less clinical is to incorporate nature in every piece you do want in your minimalist home. Candles, water features, green plants, or unfussy plants like orchids are all in the minimalist ethos. Make sure you’re getting enough light into the room, as natural light will make any home instantly look better. It’s like a ring light for interiors. Your home will look bigger, cleaner, and more comfortable.
Incorporate natural materials into everything you introduce into the room. If you want a table, buy wood or marble, not glass. If you want a sofa, think leather over the upholstery. If you want a throw, think wool rather than polyester. Nature is a big part of getting this look right.
Declutter as soon as you get new items
You don’t have to get rid of your old things as soon as new ones come into your life. The key is to be mindful of what you keep around you. For example, if you get a new pair of shoes and you find yourself not wearing the old pair, then you may need to let go of the old ones.
One thing to consider is that many items can be repurposed or used in different ways. Old clothes can be donated, repurposed into rags, or used for a project around the house. If you have a lot of things you aren’t using, start by decluttering the obvious. Get rid of clothes you don’t wear, books you don’t read, and items you don’t use. Then, focus on decluttering your mental space. Focus on each item you own and ask yourself, “Why do I have this?”
Only keep items that bring you joy
This is a good rule to follow, but not an accurate depiction of the minimalist mindset. If you only keep things that make you happy, then you’ll be living with a very colorful, cluttered space. You should also keep items that serve a purpose, like a favorite bowl that you use for cereal or a blanket you use while reading.
The key is to be selective with what you keep. Minimalism is not about getting rid of everything you don’t like. It’s about getting rid of everything you don’t need, which may or may not include things that bring you joy.
Rotate your belongings
Rotating your belongings can help make more room for new things and prompt you to get rid of clutter. However, it doesn’t focus on the importance of each item and whether or not it should stay in your home.
If you rotate your belongings on a regular basis, you’ll likely always have new things in your home, but you won’t have control over the items you keep. You may end up with too many clothes or books, and have nowhere to put them. While rotating your belongings can be helpful, minimalism is about making intentional decisions about what stays in your home.
3 Myths of Minimalism
You have to own nothing
This is a pretty common misconception about minimalism. While it’s true that minimalists don’t own a lot of stuff, they also don’t own nothing. Minimalists don’t buy things just for the sake of owning them. Instead, they buy things that are useful, like a blender or a toaster oven. They buy things that they need, like a new laptop or a new pair of shoes. They also buy things that bring them joy, like a painting or a book.
Minimalists just make sure that everything they do buy serves a purpose or brings them joy. They don’t own a lot of stuff, but what they do own is meaningful and necessary.
It’s only for people with a lot of money and space
Minimalism doesn’t have to be expensive. In fact, it helps you save money by getting rid of things you don’t need. Minimalists buy what they need and let go of what they don’t. If you own a lot of things, each of those things likely costs you money. For example, if you own 10 t-shirts, then you only have to wash them once a week.
Minimalists live simply and only buy what they need. They don’t waste money on unnecessary items and they don’t take up a lot of space. Minimalists don’t have a lot of things, but what they do have is important and useful. They don’t own a ton of clothes or decorations because they only keep what they need.
You should only buy things that are quality and will last a long time
Minimalists don’t buy things based on their price or what will last a long time. Instead, they buy things that are necessary and that bring them joy. If you buy a blender that will last for 10 years and another one that will last for one year, but the one that lasts for a year is cheaper, then you should buy that one.
Minimalists focus on the purpose and intention of each item in their home. If an item doesn’t serve a purpose or bring them joy, then they don’t buy it. They don’t care if it’s cheap or if it will last a long time — they simply don’t need it.
There are a lot of misconceptions about minimalism, but it can be a very useful habit to adopt. Now that you know the myths and rules of minimalism that made my room 10x more organized , why not start applying them in your own home? You might just find that minimalism is the best organizing challenge you’ve ever tried.