Why Homeowners Absolutely Love Craftsman House Design?

Craftsman houses are among the most popular designs for Canadian homeowners. But have you ever wondered why? Keep reading to find out!

The history of craftsman houses dates back to the late nineteenth-century British social movement. The bungalow style first gained popularity in England as resort lodging before crossing the Atlantic and peaking in the early 1900s during the great migration to California. 

During the same period, Gustav Stickley published his popular magazine, The Craftsman. Stickley, an architect and a furniture maker, created 221 house plans with Harvey Ellis that he then published in his magazine. Since then, this style has gained quite popularity and is widely seen in Canada and the US.

Why Homeowners Absolutely Love Craftsman House Design

What does a Craftsman Style home look like?

Craftsman bungalows are typically not very large. These houses are relatively modest and are easy to maintain. Their continued appeal today results from the charm, quality, and practicality they offer.

Traditional Craftsman-style homes are distinguished by their modest and endearing decor. These houses are elegant, with open floor plans and spacious front porches.

Craftsman houses are usually one to two stories tall, and the front portion of the roof is often supported by columns. These homes frequently use stained glass, unique window placements and patio doors to maximize the amount of natural light that enters the building.

What are the unique features of a Craftsman-style house?

The exteriors of craftsman-style homes are in perfect harmony with nature. You will usually find the roofs of these houses in natural brown, green, and red colours, which are contrasted by an olive, dark green, or russet body. 

The interior layout of the Craftsman-style home makes it functional. You will probably spot an open living area connecting to a dining or multi-purpose room and a smaller kitchen towards the back of the house. This allows easy movement inside the house.  

The windows themselves enhance the elegance and beauty of a Craftsman-style home. The most commonly used windows are double-hung, with divided light panels in the upper sash and a large pane in the bottom, allowing a large amount of natural light to pour in. 

While the interior doors usually feature French doors with vertical or horizontal glass panels 

The distinctive features of craftsman homes might vary depending on the geography, climate, and cultural influences. However, some of the key features include:

  • low-lying roofs that are typically constructed in a triangular design
  • single, protruding gable vents
  • pillars on entrance
  • covered porch
  • exposed beams and rafters
  • horizontal lines
  • over-extended eaves
  • noticeable fireplaces
  • built-in shelves for storage
  • window benches and nooks

Who are Craftsman-style homes suitable for?

Due to their flexibility and functionality, Craftsman-style homes are a popular choice for homeowners from various backgrounds. 

Traditional Craftsman houses are ideal for small families because they often include two to three bedrooms and modest living spaces, although some contemporary designs are made to house bigger families.

Getting a smaller home near restaurants in the downtown area may be ideal for you if you are a couple with small kids.

In the suburbs, you’ll mostly find multiple stories Craftsman homes as these houses are relatively bigger and are best suited for couples with older kids. The big yard allows enough space for the kids to play in. 

Why should I choose a Craftsman-style home?

The Craftsman design has remained popular for over a century because it perfectly combines beauty, durability, and sustainability. 


Craftsman-style homes require fewer resources to build and are easy to maintain because they have a smaller footprint and less interior space compared to many new homes. This style utilizes eco-friendly materials both inside and out. Additionally, you’ll also benefit from a new Craftsman-style home’s high level of energy efficiency.


With an open floor design and built-in storage shelves, the usability of the interior space is improved, allowing for better traffic flow and more furniture arrangement options. This makes a Craftsman-style home extremely comfortable to live in. 


The handiwork and details of a Craftsman-style home give it a more unique and personal aesthetic. The use of natural materials, and earthy tones, with decorative finishing details, add to its beauty. 

Craftsman-style vs Victorian homes – What is Better?

Victorian houses are also one of the most popular home styles among homeowners in North America. And that’s for a good reason. This property style is what probably pops up in your mind when you actually think of a private house somewhere in the suburbs. The Victorian aesthetic became popular in the 1800s thanks to Queen Victoria’s reign in the U.K. North America got the trend in 50 years, just with the railway expansion. It allowed for land availability, which led to suburban development and house manufacturing became possible on a mass scale. 

Most homeowners today are curious about which house style will suit them more. Therefore Craftsman and Victorian houses are constantly being compared and scrutinized. However, in reality, both of them are great but utilize some unique peculiarities homeowners should consider before buying a new house. Here are they:

  • Victorian homes have a more intricate and busy design, whereas Craftsman-style homes are modest and simple. 
  • Craftsman-style houses emphasize horizontal lines in stark contrast to the verticality of Victorian architecture. 
  • You will mostly find Victorian homes with a multicoloured palette of paint colours. Although most Craftsman homes are made of wood or stone, they come in various paint colours and materials.
  • The Victorian architectural style is easy to spot due to its elaborate spindles, towers, wrap-around porches, and beautiful bay windows. The Craftsman design mainly consists of low roofs, big verandas, and double-hung windows. 

Final thoughts

Craftsman-style homes are widely popular in Canada due to their simple yet elegant design. They have a rich history and distinct features that set them apart from other types of homes. If you have a small family and are looking for a beautiful, comfortable and affordable property, a Craftsman-Style home should be your top choice!

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