How To Clean Your Air Conditioner Filter

A crucial component of your routine maintenance around the house is learning how to clean your air conditioner’s filter. Your commitment to this will have a big impact on how well your HVAC systems work. We’ll examine every aspect of filter cleaning in this article. That includes the actions necessary and how frequently you should really go about doing this.

First of all, you should know that some air conditioner filters are not meant to be cleaned, these are typically marked with a sticker or some other indication that they are not serviceable and you will need to replace them right away. 

If you are not sure whether you need to replace it or not you will want to contact the nearest HVAC company. Typically there is one in every area, so for example, if you live in or around London, United Kingdom, you will want to contact air conditioner installation London-based professionals and get their opinion. However, if you know for certain that the filters that you have can be cleaned you should definitely do so on a regular basis, and here is how to go about this.

How To Clean Your Air Conditioner Filter

Turn the AC off 

Turning off your air conditioner is the first step in the process of how to clean an AC filter. If you leave it running while you change the filter and clean it, unfiltered air may enter your house.

To open the unit and remove the filter, use a screwdriver. Multiple vents may be included in certain units, so check inside to make sure all filters have been removed. Check your owner’s manual if you need assistance locating the filter in your air conditioner. If you don’t have the manual nearby, you can search online for advice from your AC unit’s manufacturer. You can find out if your AC filters can be cleaned in the owner’s manual.

The cleaning process 

The frequency of how much you use your air conditioner will determine how often you should clean the dust filters, according to manufacturer recommendations. Simply said, you need to clean the filters more often the more you use it. Aim to clean them at least a few times a year. For instance, if you use the appliance mostly in the summer, clean the filters in the spring to get it ready for peak usage and once again in the fall after the hot weather has passed.

A removable and washable air purification filter, or ionizing filter, is a feature included in some air conditioners. Depending on usage, this kind of filter will eventually need to be updated every year or two. For information on how to change or clean this filter, consult the user manuals.

Bring the dust filters outside and give them a thorough shake or brush. For thorough cleaning, they may often also require vacuuming; if your vacuum has a dusting brush head, use it.

The dust filters may be thoroughly cleaned by rinsing them in warm water after washing them with a light detergent. Before placing them back in the unit, make sure they are thoroughly dry.

You might also be able to take off the louvers on the indoor unit (the oscillating blades that direct the airflow). With a clean rag or vacuum, give them and the area within the appliance behind them a thorough cleaning. Again, before you do anything, ensure that the air conditioner is turned off.

One more thing to add to the cleaning process 

Soak the filters in a mixture of half water and vinegar. However, make sure that your filters are designed to get wet, as some aren’t and this could ruin your filter and you will have to buy a new one. 

If your filter is water-friendly, dip it for approximately an hour in a mix made up of equal parts water and vinegar. Make sure the filter has dried fully before replacing it.

Use a hose instead if you don’t have a basin big enough to contain your air conditioner filter. A pressure that is too high can quickly rip through the filter, so be sure to set it very low.

Final Thoughts 

While air conditioner filters may be hidden from view, failing to clean or change them on a regular basis is a serious mistake that may cost you money and impair the quality of the air in your house

A blocked air conditioner filter may reduce the lifespan of your pricey air conditioner while enabling dust and pollen to spread throughout your house. Whether you select a disposable or reusable air filter, replacing the filter is an essential part of your air conditioner’s routine maintenance.

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