There is no denying that wildlife has been under threat in recent years, with human activities destroying their natural habitat and reducing the space available to them. However, there are ways in which you can help them thrive in your garden and attract a range of different animals. These tips will help you do just that! If you’re interested in learning how to attract wildlife into your garden or urban space, this article is for you.
By looking after your own green space, you can provide a haven for wildlife which can provide benefits for both the quality of your garden and the environment.

Common wildlife
The type of wildlife you will be looking to attract are typical woodland animals such as small mammals, birds, and insects.
Small mammals such as squirrels, hedgehogs, and mice can be spotted during the later hours due to their nocturnal nature and may find your garden space an inviting area for sustenance and safety during colder months, or extreme weather conditions.
The avid birdwatchers have the opportunity to spot a plethora of breeds ranging from the common Robin to vibrant Goldfinches. Certain bird types will be attracted by the food you provide, breeds of flowers, and whether you provide fresh water.
Your garden design
Imagine your garden space as a shared habitat between you and any potential wildlife so you will want the area to be inviting for your furry visitors. The ideal design for your garden is to make sure that it includes a decent size lawn with corners and/or borders that contain bushes, shrubs, or hedges.
Primarily you will want to ensure easy access to your garden for smaller, foraging mammals by providing small clearings and passageways. These can be easily created using a cordless hedge trimmer or a set of clippers and will provide a convenient entrance for hedgehogs, mice, and squirrels. Your lawn can act as a feeding ground for small animals and birds whilst also providing a habitat for insects and mini beasts. Allowing your lawn to grow can be beneficial for any species that may be living there whilst encouraging a healthy ecosystem, and providing prey for visiting animals.
What Are The Benefits Of Having Wildlife In Your Garden?
In addition to attracting a wider range of species and being aesthetically pleasing to look at, there are many more benefits to adding wildlife to your garden.
Here are just some of these benefits:
It’s cheaper than a hobby: The cost to feed and maintain your garden is likely to be minimal, especially if you use organic and sustainable gardening methods. You don’t need to spend a small fortune on feeding wildlife; a small amount of seeds or nuts can go a long way.
Helps pollination: Plants that are native to your area will be pollinated by the insects that live there. So if you add these plants to your garden, as well as insects like bees and butterflies, you will ensure that your garden is well-pollinated. If you don’t want to attract bees or other insects into your garden, there are plants that they don’t like – so you can avoid them altogether.
Helps insects survive: Insects and other wildlife in your garden are likely to feed on pests and other harmful insects that could pose a threat to you, your family and your garden. – Wildlife is enjoyable to watch: Having wildlife in your garden is great for children, as well as yourself, as it’s fascinating to watch them and their behaviors.
How To Attract Wildlife Into Your Garden
There are a number of ways you can attract wildlife into your garden, so let’s take a look at some of the most effective.
Tips for Attracting Birds into Your Garden
Birds are one of the most common types of wildlife that people want in their garden, so here are some tips on how to attract them.
Grow trees and shrubs: Although it’s important to have a variety of trees and plants, you should have at least one tree that is known to attract birds, such as a cherry tree. You should also plant shrubs, such as sunflowers, as they are a popular food source for birds.
Provide water: Having a water feature in your garden, as well as in the soil near your plants, is a great way to attract birds. This water source does not have to be a large pond, it can be as simple as a birdbath or a water fountain.
Feed birds: If you want to attract birds into your garden permanently, you can feed them. The easiest and most natural way of doing this is by growing sunflower seeds, which is one of the most common types of seeds that birds feed on. You can also buy seeds for birds, such as peanuts and other types of seeds.
Tips For Attracting Bees And Other Helpful Insects
Having bees and other helpful insects in your garden can be both educational and rewarding, so try these tips to attract them.
Grow flowers: Bees and other types of insects love flowers, so having a range of different types in your garden will help attract them. Most bees feed on pollen, so you should grow native plants, such as wildflowers, as they are a great source of pollen.
Avoid harmful chemicals: As well as avoiding pesticides, you should also avoid using harmful chemicals in your garden, such as weed killers. They can be harmful to bees and other insects, so it’s best to use natural and organic ways of controlling these.
Let them live: You don’t have to do much to attract bees into your garden, as they will already live in your area. All you need to do is not damage the nests they make, and they will happily make your garden their home.
Tips For Attracting Reptiles And Amphibians
Amphibians and reptiles, such as frogs and snakes, are another common type of wildlife people want in their garden. Here are some tips on how to attract them.
Grow plants: Plants are important for all wildlife, but especially reptiles and amphibians. Having a range of different plants, such as ferns and flowers, will help attract different species of reptiles and amphibians.
Avoid fertilizers and pesticides: Just like bees, reptiles and amphibians are sensitive to fertilizers and pesticides, so it’s best to avoid using them in your garden.
Leave space: You don’t need to do much to attract reptiles and amphibians, as they will already live in your area. But you should leave some space for them, such as having a few logs in your garden and not remove any weeds.
Tips For Attracting Other Wildlife Into Your Garden
There are many other types of wildlife that you can attract into your garden, but they all have their own specific needs and requirements. So, while they can all be attracted, they will all require their own special methods.
Nectar plants: Just like bees, hummingbirds love flowers, so having a range of nectar-producing plants in your garden will help attract them. They are mostly found in the south of the United States, but you can grow them in other areas.
Nest boxes: As well as plant-based wildlife, you can attract birds by providing nest boxes for them to live in. This is useful if you have a particularly loud species of bird in your garden, such as cardinals, as other types of birds won’t nest in the boxes.
Feeding: If you want to attract certain types of wildlife into your garden, like raccoons, you can feed them. However, it’s important to do this in a controlled manner, as feeding them too much can lead to them becoming aggressive.
It’s no secret that wildlife numbers are declining, and that humans are the main reason for this. With this in mind, it’s important to do what you can to help them thrive in your garden. There are many ways to do this, but the most important thing is to ensure that you don’t interfere with them. These simple tips are great for attracting a variety of wildlife into your garden.