How to Clean a Green Above Ground Pool?

After several days you go swimming in your above ground pool, but it turned into green. Don’t be anxious. It is normal to get green in the above ground pool, and there are several reasons for this fact.

Does someone think that is it safe to swim in the green water? The answer is” not”; it is better to not swim in green water. To clean green from the above-ground pool, you need to maintain your pool correctly and find the causes of green in above ground pool. Let’s see it.

Why Does a Pool Turn Green?

There are many reasons for getting green, and the main reason is algae. If the swimming pool’s water is clear and can see the bottom of the pool entirely, there is hardly any life in the water.

How to Clean a Green Above Ground Pool
So the pool encourages the conditions of living things will start with few algae. These algae are the founder of making green your pool’s water and can reproduce in great numbers.

A Lack of Chlorine

There is another most common reason a lack of chlorine that makes the pool water green. The absence of chlorine in the water, the pool will quickly start to grow algae. Whenever you notice that chlorine is too low and did not add a sufficient amount of it the algae can grow to a point where the entire pool turns green within a day.

How to Clean a Green Above Ground Pool?

There is the only way to clean a green above ground pool faster is to remove and kill the algae that have bloom in the water. You can do this by shocking your pool with high levels of chlorine. The basic plan is you have to determine what level of shock you would need to kill all the algae. Make sure to maintain this level until the pool is apparent again.

Remove Debris and Brush the Pool

Cleaning green from the pool depends on how long the pool has been stagnant, and how many debris storages your pool. You need to remove all of the debris before any other steps you will take. Because debris can mess up your chemical testing and make the shock process less effective. Do brush in your pool’s side and bottom as much debris and algae buildup.

Balance the Pool Chemistry

There are three steps that you will need to maintain. Make sure the right ranges are pH, Cyanuric acid (CYA), and free chlorine. Experts recommend that pH needs to be between 7.5 and 7.8, which is higher than usual. On the other hand, it will help the shock treatment effectively. To balance your pH, you can increase pH or decrease.

Besides, CYA levels should be between 30 – 60 ppm, and it works as a stabilizer for chlorine. Actually, CYA needs to be in a proper range so that the chlorine can work productively and kill the algae. If your CYA is too low, add more to get to the correct level, and add fresh water when it is too high.

Finally, you should apply chlorine in the pool. Now, the pH and CYA are at the right level, and you have the measurements of chlorine, and you can shock your pool.

Shock That Algae Right out of the Pool

This is the most important part of cleaning a green pool by killing the algae. Pool shock contains a high level of chlorine that kills the algae and sanitizes the pool water. To get the best result, use a shock that contains at least 70% chlorine, and shock the pool twice.

Someone normally uses non-chlorine shock, but you must use chlorine shock to remove algae. If your pool is dark green, it means your pool has a large number of algae, and then you must shock the pool three times. If the color of a green pool is similar to a dark, spooky swamp, you should shock it four times.

Vacuum the Pool to Remove Green Algae

The shocking process needs multiple days, depending on the algae in your pool. You will need to keep up with vacuuming and brushing your pool every day. Make sure to brush the walls of the pool to get out the algae that you have missed with the first brushing. Those algae will place in the bottom of the pool, vacuum the bottom properly to get rid of all the dead algae.

Run the Pool Pump in a Proper Way and Deep Clean Your Filter

You know that vacuum is the heart of a swimming pool. If you maintain the right time to run the pool pump, you will almost get out of green. When you notice your pool’s water is getting greener in spit of running the pump 7 to 8 hours, run it for 10 to 12 hours in a day. And make sure you clean your pool filter on the first day. Algae can grow up in the filter and cause rebuilt after you think you have killed it all.

You must run the filter throughout the entire shocking process. If the shock process needs multiple days, then make sure to clean your filter every day; because it removes the buildup from the dead algae.

How Long Should I Run the Pool Pump and filter?

During the hot summer months, you need an average-size residential pool. You will run the pump for a minimum of eight hours. On the other hand, during the cold season when algae grow slowly in cold water, and no one is using the pool, it can be run for four or five hours. However, the pool water needs to be filtered, whether it is being used or not.

Besides, after the shocking process is complete, you will set your timer, so the pool is filtered for a long enough time each day to deal with any algae or debris. How long to run the pump depends on the volume of water in the pool through the filter equipment. So check your pump manual to get enough idea about the run time of pump.

Maintaining Your Pool in Balance and Enjoy Your Pool

We know chlorine needs to be in the pool always, so make sure you have a reliable chlorinating system in your pool. Clean your filter properly in every three to four weeks, unless you see algae in the pool that is the major reason for getting green in the pool. Proper maintenance will save you both time and lots of money in the long run and make you enjoy the swimming pool.

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