Why are My Hydroponic Plants Wilting

With the advancement of science came a great revolution in agriculture. Soil is no longer a mandatory element for agricultural work. Crops grown by the hydroponic method have the same nutritional value as crops grown in soil. 

However, various complications also occur in hydroponic plantations. As many have asked, ‘Why are my hydroponic plants wilting?’

There are several reasons hydroponic plant drooping occurs. The most common causes are fungal and bacterial infestations, root rot, and pests. Today, I have arranged my article on why Hydroponic plant drooping occurs and what to do about it. Hopefully, you can understand and prevent it.

Why are My Hydroponic Plants Wilting

Why are my hydroponic plants wilting

Many people prefer Hydroponic plantation professionally or as a hobby. But wilting or drooping occurs in hydroponic plants like soil-borne plants.

Rotting at the base of a common tree, being infected with various diseases, and being attacked by harmful insects can also weaken the tree. And in this part, we have discussed in detail the reasons behind this main problem.

Root Rotten:

You will often see the leaves of the plants turning yellow or the leaves of the plants leaning downwards as well as the base of the plant is covered with brown instead of creamy white. These symptoms appear when the root system of the plant is not right. And when the plant gets rotten at the base of the tree, it does not get enough oxygen. Since hydroponic plantation is done in water, air circulation in frozen water is deficient. Due to which the roots of the tree do not get enough oxygen.

Plant Diseases:

Plants are drooping due to various diseases. You’ve probably heard of powdery mildew and gray mold. These two diseases are found in almost all plants. Infections of various harmful fungi or bacteria in plants, whether in soil or in water, are quite normal.

Have you ever noticed that the whole plant has a white powdery substance on its stems or leaves? These are caused by fungal infections named powdery mildew. It occurs if the plant does not receive adequate light and air.

I have already mentioned another problem which is gray mold. If you see a powdery spot on the tree, you will know that it is due to a fungal infection. This fungus absorbs the nutrients your plant needs for growth. Unlike powdery mildew, the disease spreads rapidly from one plant to the surrounding. This fungus attack can occur as a result of cold temperatures and excess moisture in the air.

Pests Attack

While not all pests are harmful, there are a number of pests that hinder the growth of your plant. Aphids or lice, Spider Mites, Thrips, Fungus Gnats, Whiteflies attack often Hydroponic plants.

Some eat pest the leaf; some eat plant roots. This results in plant drooping as well as plant death. These pests can damage plant tissue and leaf veins and make your plant dull. Hydroponic plants like a tomato plant, cannabis plant, lettuce, strawberry, basil plant are more affected by this type of pest.

Lack of Proper Nutrition

One of the major reasons behind yellow leaves and droopy leaves is the lack of proper nutrition for plant growth. Many more nutritious elements like chlorine, copper, and magnesium are essential for the proper growth of plants. But its lack makes a tree dull easily and creates any plant problem.

However, malnutrition may not always be the cause of falling leaves or the weakening of trees. Older leaves fall off at regular intervals. Naturally, at that time, your hydroponic garden may seem a little dull.

How to fix wilting hydroponics plant

If you have already noticed a weakening of your plant, first determine the cause. The underwater roots can be easily seen, see if there is rot at the base of the tree. If there is plant wilting due to decay at the base of the tree, then remove the rotten part of the plant and apply hydrogen peroxide.

Before repositioning the plant in the tub, disinfect the tub thoroughly and replace the old water with new water. Next, make sure that there is no shortage of oxygen supply to get healthy roots.

If fungus infects the plant, take immediate action. Spray Medicine solution or mix it with water according to the diagnosis. Trim the leaves of the affected tree. And discard completely diseased trees.

Potassium bicarbonate powdery mildew is effective in suppressing. You can use baking soda, vinegar, and water solution as home remedies to remove mold.

Use pesticides that do not harm the plant when attacked by pesticides. If necessary. If necessary, take the help of botanists.

The solution to the nutrient deficiency problem is to mix a Nutrient solution in the water of the tub. Malnutrition plants lose their immunity and become dull.

How to prevent hydroponics plant drooping

By now, you know why hydroponic plant wilting occurs and, if so, how to fix it. Now in this part, I will discuss how to prevent hydroponics plant drooping. You can solve almost all types of dropping plant problems or wilting leaves via adequate air circulation and water circulation in the hydroponic system. Follow these steps to prevent plant wilting.

  • Use simple fans and air stones for dissolved oxygen to prevent root rot.
  • Also, sterilize the plant regularly and keep the plant area clean.
  • Maintain regular watering, change the water regularly and add nutrients. Remember, putting excess nutrients can cause nutrient toxicity.
  • Make sure your plant gets enough sunlight.

You can avoid unwanted plant wilting by following these steps.

Frequently Asked Questions

How often should hydroponic water be changed?

It is best to change the hydroponic water every 7 to 14 days. For those who cultivate hydroponically, it is a very important responsibility to change the water regularly. Water change is the only way to get rid of various complications.

How often do I need to add nutrients to hydroponics?

To meet the nutritional requirements of hydroponics plants, add nutrients to the water for one to one and half weeks in a row. Adding extra nutrients at the same time or adding fewer nutrients than necessary can be harmful to the hydroponic plant.

Can you overwater a hydroponic plant?

Since you do hydroponic gardening in water, the roots of the plant are submerged in water. You need to keep Some part of the root of the plants out of water. Failure to do so is considered overwatering and can cause root rot.

Final Verdict

The hydroponic plantation or growing plants in a hydroponic system is now becoming more and more popular all over the world. You can obtain good output easily by maintaining proper care and procedures.

So, take care of your hydroponic plant properly, then the plants will be healthy and lively, and disease-free.

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