Sewage Backup In Basement Health Risks And How To Prevent Them

Sewage contains many dangerous viruses and toxic ingredients that can harm you and your family members severely. Even, someone can die, there is a risk of that too. Your pet is at risk because of this reason. The sewage backup in basement health risks us because we ignore our health issues every time until we fall sick. 

We flush our toilet every time after using it. We think the water will go down. It is applicable for the sink also. But if the water does not go down, then it starts to back up. A blockage in the main sewer line can also cause a sewer backup. Now let us know about the health risks.

Sewage Backup In Basement Health Risks

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Sewage Backup In Basement Health Risks

The sewage backup in basement health risks we overlook most of the time. But they are dangerous which will not even cross your mind. Let’s hear about them: 

Diseases Caused By Sewage Backup

The list of diseases because of sewage backup is long. These diseases are mainly caused by contaminated water. They are: 

1. Escherichia Coli Diarrhea

The disease Known as “diarrheagenic E. coli,” caused by the bacterium Escherichia coli has several workflow prototypes, including various E.coli O157: H7. Escherichia coli from which contaminated or face-to-face water has passed through the fecal tract.

 Although some people have no symptoms, most have bloody or watery diarrhea, abdominal cramps, vomiting, nausea, and fever. 

2. Campylobacteriosis

The most common diarrheal disease is Campylobacteriosis. The bacterium Campylobacter is the cause of this infection. You will see that some people have no symptoms like bloody diarrhea, abdominal pain, vomiting, and fever after exposure to the organism within 2 to 5 days. It is indeed an infection that is life-threatening. 

3. Cryptosporidiosis

The nanoscopic parasite Cryptosporidium Parvum causes the disease named Cryptosporidiosis. It is expected to develop a cover that will allow the survivor to live outside of your body for a long time and is more reluctant to the chlorine disinfection. 

Cryptosporidiosis (sometimes, known as the “Crypto”) is a prevalent waterborne disease. The parasite is found everywhere. Some people do not present any symptoms like diarrhea etc. 

4. Gastroenteritis

Viral gastroenteritis also called the “stomach flu,” is an infection caused by one of many viruses, including rotaviruses, adenoviruses, caliciviruses, astroviruses, Norwalk virus, and a group of viruses of the Norwalk type but not caused by influenza viruses. 

Symptoms are watery diarrhea, fever, headache, vomiting, and abdominal cramps. The symptoms are shown 1 to 2 days after the infection and may last from 1 to 10 days. It depends on the involvement of the virus.

The disease can be severe for infants, young children and people with disabilities, the elderly, or if they cannot drink enough fluids to fulfill what they lose from vomiting or diarrhea.

5. Encephalitis

The St. Louis Encephalitis as well as the West Nile Virus Encephalitis, two inflammatory and acute viral diseases, are transmitted through the infected mosquito bite. It happens mainly from the species of Culex. In highly polluted water, the Culex mosquitoes lay eggs, for example, contaminated with sewage water. 

People don’t know about the development of highly transmissible levels of the virus and therefore cannot spread the stored-host cycle of infection. In most cases, people show no disorders, and illnesses are short-lived. Symptoms may cover a very high fever with headache and pain in the body, weakness in the muscle, seizures, and so many others.

In the case of severe cases, it may be accompanied by coma and paralysis. Unfortunately, there is no vaccine against encephalitis.

6. Giardiasis

The parasite Giardia intestinalis causes Giardiasis disease. It is also known as Giardia lamblia. This parasite is fortified to live out our body for a long time. It is found as one of the most common waterborne diseases all over the world. Most people have specific symptoms of loss, watery diarrhea, stomachache, and some other symptoms. 

7. Hepatitis A

The symptoms of liver disease because of Hepatitis A are jaundice, losing appetite, distaste, fatigue, diarrhea, abdominal pain, and fever. And as adults, rather than children, are caught by hepatitis symptoms. Almost 15% of infected symptoms are recurrent and prolong the period of 6 to 9 months. 

8. Leptospirosis

The bacteria comes from the genus Leptospira, which causes Leptospirosis disease. Although some people show no clinical signs, these consist of high fever, coldness, muscle contraction, severe headache, vomiting, jaundice, pain in the abdomen, diarrhea, red eyes, or rash. If it is not treated correctly, it may cause the patient’s kidney damage, liver failure, meningitis, respiratory problems, and seldom death.

9. Methaemoglobinaemia

Methemoglobinemia disease is otherwise called “baby blue syndrome.” Children can do nothing against this difficulty for a few months due to high water and nitrate consumption—poorly planned septic systems installed in loamy soils, a known cause of groundwater nitrate contamination. 

The poisoning that occurs in the child’s abdomen transforms nitrate into nitrite, affecting the blood’s oxygen conductivity. Boiling water can not destroy the nitrates; instead, it increases more.

10. Typhoid Fever

The bacteria Salmonella typhi is the reason behind Typhoid Fever, which is found only in humans’ blood and digestive tract. Symptoms are persistent fever up to 104 ° F, cough, weakness, headache, stomach pain, and the patient may lose appetite.

Some patients may have pink spots on their bodies. People who receive antibiotics usually start to get better within the next 2 or 3 days, and death happens rarely. It may take weeks and sometimes months to recover for those who do not take antibiotics.

How To Prevent Sewer Backup Issues

Is it safe to stay in a house with sewage backup? No. Then to prevent sewer backup issues, we should follow some steps. They are: 

Call On A Plumber

You need to maintain the security of all the pipelines of your house. Check all the pipes regularly with the help of a professional plumber. You have to do that from time to time. 

Protection From Raw Sewage 

The dangers of raw sewage under the house is an issue you can not ignore. It can make you always vulnerable to sewer issues. So, it would be best if you were very careful to ensure that no leakage can flow contaminated water and gas from the raw sewage to your house. The leaking sewage health hazards will make you face sudden physical issues. 

Clean The Sewage Regularly

If your sewage system spreads out severely, you need to clean it up and reconstruct it. The sewage backup cleanup cost is not very expensive either. So, if you think you need to rebuild your sewage, go for it without any hesitation.


Sewage backup in basement health risks is not something straightforward to avoid. When it receives the sewer system up and down, the returned liquid and solid waste pipes are intended to store the waste in your house. 

When your sewer system backs up, it will release toxins and bacteria in the kitchen sink, bathroom sink, and even into the washing machine too! This is very disgusting, isn’t it?

The foul smell comes; when you breathe it, you breathe the bacteria and the toxins coming out of a sewer. There are still significant health risks. If you want to avert them, you should always be conscious of keeping your family free of harm to ensure a healthy and peaceful life.

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