How to Make Pool Water Warm Fast?

The season of spring is soon going to fade away. It’s that time of the year when you like to relax in your poolside with homies. And warming up your pool is the first thing that comes to your mind, right?

Who doesn’t like to chill in a warm swimming pool after a long day? Now the question arises, how to make pool water warm fast? You’ll get to see tons of hacks to warm up your pool water. Sadly most of them will not work for you.

That’s why we’re here to brief you about the fastest way of warming up your water. Even though the pool warming process is rewarding, it takes a lot of patience and time. So, I and my team will make sure that you go for the appropriate method!

How to Make Pool Water Warm Fast

Choosing an Appropriate Swimming Pool Heating System

If you love to swim in your pool while it’s warm, a pool heating system is a must for you. A heating element can make your pool water warmer without extra effort. And connecting your pool heating system to the pool is also an efficient way.

Heat Pump

Many people use heat pumps for heating their pool water. Even though heat pumps are a bit slow, they’re very safe to use. If your pool water is colder than 10-degree Celsius, there are chances that the pump might not make the water warmer. But all-season heat pumps are a better option in this case. They can make your swimming pool water warm even at freezing temperatures.

Heat Pump and Heat Exchanger

You can also combine a heat pump with a heat exchanger to get better results. The exchanger will help you to reach your desired water temperature. And once you are there, the heat pump will work on maintaining it. Using this process will help you get the impressive result by limiting energy consumption at the same time.

Gas Heater

Many of you might be thinking why have I brought up a gas heater in this article. But you guys might not know that gas can work wonders for heating your swimming pool water. Gas heaters not only offer great speed and performance, they mostly heat your pool water.

Random heat pumps take a day to warm up your pool water up to 3-degrees. But a well-manufactured gas heater will take no less than an hour to get your work done. Even though it’s a bit pricey to execute your work using a gas heater, it’s worth it. If you’re ready to spend a bit more for warming up pool water, go for a gas heater then.

Electric Resistance Pool Heater

Electric resistance pool heaters are not as quick as gas ones. But they’re able to execute the job as per demand. The function of an electric resistance pool heater is more like an electric stove. This option isn’t pretty cost-effective but you can still give it a try if no option is left!

Installing a Swimming Pool Cover

Getting a swimming pool cover will enhance your pool experience a tad more. If you install a swimming pool cover, the desired temperature will more likely remain for a greater period. A warm pool without any cover can lose temperature due to the environment and its evaporation.

No matter if the swimming pool cover is costly or cheap, it’s far better to install it than to keep it bare. And if we talk about the quality of your swimming pool, high-quality always gets more advantage. If you get yourself a top-grade pool cover, the heat will remain for a longer period. And the opposite will occur in the other condition.

Perfect Location Building a Swimming Pool

What’s the point of purchasing several pool warming gadgets if your pool is in the wrong position? Before building a swimming pool in your house, make sure that you’re planning to build it in the right position. Before building the pool have a look if it will get enough sunlight or not.

If the pool is under roof shade or a big tree, it won’t warm up easily. An inappropriate position can create a difference of 3-degree Celsius approximately. And that’s a big measure in cases of warming up your pool.

Plus, a swimming pool beside a big one is tough to maintain. The leaves of the tree will make your sea blue pool green. And the falling leaves will also make you clean the pool more often. Isn’t that so annoying?


Pool parties without warm water in this season are a big no! That’s why we have described the hacks on how to make pool water warm fast. We have brainstormed for hours before suggesting you anything.

You may find tons of pool water warming tricks on the internet. But none of them will render such instant results the way our hacks will. Please let us know if this article helps you in your life.

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